Business Development Associate

Eleah Ketting

Eleah is one of our Business Development Associates. She works closely with our experts and consultants to ensure they have the best possible engagement experience.

Eleah joined our A-team in June 2023, and her duties include identifying suitable matches for new engagements, liaising with experts and contractors, and assisting our Vice-Presidents of Client Partnerships.

Eleah joined our A-team from an innovative smile improvement start-up, for whom she worked for as an Analyst for 15 months. Prior to that, she worked as a Financial Analyst for medical care manufacturer for two-and-a-half years.

Eleah has both a bachelor's and master's degree from the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, where she studied International Business, and then International Financial Management and Leadership.

Learn More About Eleah Ketting

Eleah Ketting joins Hyphen as a Business Development Associate